Strum box Cigarbox ukelele building kit, plus detailed lesson book and play-along audio CD
Strum box Cigarbox ukelele building kit, plus detailed lesson book and play-along audio CD
Kit includes a unique strum-box design Ukulele, plus detailed lesson book and play-along audio CD
€ 65,00
€ 49,00
Prijs per stuk
If you have ever wanted to learn the Ukulele, the Electric Strum Box Ukulele™ complete kit includes everything you need to get started. In the 32-page book, with illustrated diagrams and instructions, you will learn how to assemble and string your new Uke, correct finger positioning and posture, commonly used chords as well as strumming patterns so that you can impress friends and loved ones by playing 10+ songs right away. When you’re ready, practice and play along with the included CD, and crank up the volume by plugging your Electric Ukulele into an amp.

The stage is yours. From the maker of the best-selling Slide Box Guitar comes an innovative Ukulele design for beginners and professionals alike! Play your new Ukulele acoustically, or plug it into an amplifier to wow the crowd. Kit includes a unique strum-box design Ukulele, plus detailed lesson book and play-along audio CD. Illustrated diagrams and instructions to teach you everything from assembly, stringing, correct finger positioning and strumming patterns to perfect playing posture.
Length 65 cm
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